With Girlguiding girls have the best experiences
'Section' is the term we use to describe the different age groups in guiding. Each section has its own programme of age-appropriate activities. Girls can move up to the next section when they reach the right age
Joining age - any time from their fourth birthday.
Move up to Brownies - between their seventh birthday and seven years and six months.
Recommended time in Rainbows - three years.
Joining age - seventh birthday.
Move up to Guides - between their 10th and 11th birthdays.
Recommended time in Brownies - three years.
Joining age - 10th birthday.
Move up to Rangers - between their 14th and 15th birthdays.
Recommended time in Guides - four years.
This section includes young leaders and any other members aged between 14 and 18.
Joining age - 14th birthday.
No longer part of Rangers - 19th birthday.